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Visit to KVK by Sri B C Nagesh Hon’ble MLA Tiptur and Sri. B Suresh Gowda Hon’ble Ex MLA.

Visit to KVK by Sri B C Nagesh Hon’ble MLA Tiptur and Sri. B Suresh Gowda Hon’ble Ex MLA. on 10th June 2020

Visit to KVK by Sri B C Nagesh Hon'ble MLA Tiptur

Visit to KVK by Sri B C Nagesh Hon’ble MLA Tiptur and Sri. B Suresh Gowda Hon’ble Ex MLA visited our KVK on 10th June 2020. They went around different units of KVK. They visited KVK Instructional Farm and Fruit Nursery and interacted with the staff about the recent developments in the farm.

Visit to KVK by Sri B C Nagesh Hon'ble MLA Tiptur
Visit to KVK by Sri B C Nagesh Hon'ble MLA Tiptur