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Area Production & Productivity Of Crops

Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district (2013-14)

Sl. No Crop Area (ha) Production (Tonnes) Productivity
(Kg /ha)
1. Rice 14868 98632 3003
2.  Jowar 3334 329 798
3.  Ragi 137730 308308 1795
4.  Maize 25191 57394 2777
5.  M.Millets 2293 1494 1032
6. Redgram 10469 5604 308
7. Black gram 155 224 382
8. Horsegram 23598 12740 618
9. Avare 8083 8613 933
10. Greengram 9676 3334 327
11.  Cowpea 3569 2993 607
12.  Groundnut 83983 67923 530
13.  Sesamum 378 453 596
14.  Sunflower 1779 4007 1005
15.  Castor 2621 2031 656
16.  Niger 1068 308 250
17. Cotton 1385 2878 532
18. Sugarcane 2653 161452 103

(Source: District At a Glance-Tumakuru: 2013-14)