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Services Offered

Services Offered by KVK

Following are services offered by the KVK.

Training Programmes: Interested farmers may register their names with the KVK either personally or through phone or e-mail for the training that he/she wishes to attend. The KVK is also arranging off-campus training on desired topics in farmer’s villages. For such trainings minimum 25 farmers from the same village need to participate. Special trainings can also be arranged for organizations on topics of their choice.


Participation in Extension Activities: Farmers can participate in extension activities like Kisan melas, study tours, field days by prior registration.

Farmers may interact with the scientists at the KVK & get consultancy on issues related to agriculture, allied fields & information on advanced agricultural technologies.
On Farm Trials and Demonstrations:
Farmers can participate in the On Farm Trials (OFTs) and Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) conducted by the KVK.

Source of Information: Farmers can get information on weather, pest and diseases forecast, government schemes etc, in the form of mobile SMS from the KVK. Accordingly they can decide on their agricultural activities, future plans accordingly.

Availability of Infrastructure: Other organizations that wish to conduct trainings for the farmers can use our class rooms and audio visual aids on nominal charges.

Demonstration Units: Farmers can visit KVK, its instructional farm and demonstration units on greenhouses, nursery, mushroom, bio-fertilizers, micro-nutrient formulations and unit of agri implements. Farmers can stay in our hostels on nominal charges.

Soil and Water Testing: Farmers can get their soil, water and leaf samples tested for various parameters of their choice at reasonable rates at our soil testing laboratory.

Diagnostic Services: Farmers can request KVK scientists to visits their problematic fields for getting curative and diagnostic recommendations.


Farmers can buy given below inputs from KVK, which are sold on nominal cost.

  • Improved varietal seeds of vegetables, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fodder varieties and mushroom spawn.
  • Grafts of improved varieties of fruit plants and medicinal plants.
  • Value added products from agriculture and horticultural crops.
  • Micronutrient foliar nutrients such as Vegetable Special, Banana Special and Mango Special.
  • Bio-fertilizers such as Arka Microbial Consortium.
  • Pheromone traps against heliothis, diamond back moth and fruit borers of vegetables.
  • Chemical traps for the control of fruit flies in mango, guava and cucurbitaceous crops.
  • Other agents of biological control of pests such as tricho cards, sticky traps etc.