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Skill Training Programme on Friends of Coconut Tree – FOCT (21.01.2019 – 14.02.2019)

Skill Training Programme on Friends of Coconut Tree – FOCT (21.01.2019 – 14.02.2019)


Skill training programme on Friends of Coconut Tree- FOCT- Skill training on Friends of Coconut Tree -FOCT organized at ICAR- KVK Hirehalli, Tumakuru II on 21.01.2019 to 14.02.019 for 25 days. 20 rural youths undergone rigorous skill oriented training in Coconut crop. The training started with Pre test evaluation before starting of the skill programme. The trainees gained skill and knowledge on Coconut production technologies i.e., Tree climbing, Planting methods, Crown cleaning, Cultivation practices, Identification of Mother plants, Nursery Management, Irrigation method, Bio fertilizers application, application of micro nutrients , Installation of eco friendly Pheromone traps, Use of Botanical s, Preparation of Bordeaux mixture to manage the stem bleeding and GANODERMA Wilt, Harvesting techniques, marketing, Safety measures, First AID, Insurance schemes, Pre and Post Harvest technologies and Value addition. Post test evaluation conducted and Final assessment was successfully completed on 26.03.2019 at KVK Hirehalli Tumakuru II.