P.R. Ramesh
B.Sc. (Forestry); M.Sc. (Soil Science)
Subject Matter Specialist
Soil Science
Year of Birth: 1975
Contact Address:
ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra, NH4, Hirehalli Post, Tumakuru, Tumakuru-572 168, Karnataka State.
Phone (Office): +91-0816-2243175/177
Email Address: prramesh1975@gmail.com
Work Experience: Sri Ramesh had served Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bangalore, in the capacities of Senior Research Fellow during 2002-2006, Lab Technician at Division of Soil Science 2006-2009. He has been working as Subject Matter Specialist –Soil Science at ICAR–KVK(IIHR), Tumakuru since inception of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) 2009.
Areas of Interest: Soil, Water and Leaf Testing based Fertilizer application, Soil and Water Management, Crop Production, Organic Farming, Bio fertilizers and Micronutrient Fertilizer, Climate Change, Nutrient Management.