Diagnostic Field visit to Kempanahalli, Kunigal Taluk on 6th May 2020
KVK Scientist visited to Problematic field of Coconut and Arecanut orchard of Sri. B Suresh Gowda Hon’ble Ex MLA at Kempanahalli, Kunigal Taluk on 06.05.2020. The Arecanut garden infected with Anabe Roga or Foot rot caused by Ganoderma lucidum. We suggested opening trench around the palm and rooting feeding with systemic fungicide and Drenching with Arka Microbial Consortium Bio fertilizer in the basin near to root zone at 12 – 15 days interval. For coconut stem bleeding we suggested 10 % Bordeaux mixture pasting and nutrient management for Arecanut and Coconut orchards. Technical guidance given on pruning techniques in Lime and suggested intercrops in Coconut orchard.