Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Breeding)
Dr. Somashekar
B.Sc. (Agriculture); M.Sc. (Genetics & Plant Breeding)
Ph.D., (Genetics & Plant Breeding)
Subject Matter Specialist
Plant Breeding
ICAR- KVK, Hirehalli
Year of Birth: 1976
Contact Address:
ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra, NH4, Hirehalli Post, Tumakuru, Tumakuru-572 168, Karnataka State.
Phone (Office): +91-0816-2243175 Mobile:9448349726
Email Address:
Work Experience:
Working as Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR – KVK Hirehalli, Tumakuru since 7-12-2009.
Worked as Junior Breeder at Varietal Research and Development Centre, Dharwad of Karnataka State Seeds Corporation Limited, Karnataka, from 14-02-2007 to 5-12-2009. During this period large numbers of Potential Hybrids were developed in Cotton, Sunflower and Maize through innovative approaches. Apart from this, involved in the establishment of Seed testing and Electrophoresis laboratory at this centre.
Worked as Research Associate from 7-12-2005 to 13-02-2007, under the project entitled “Identification of molecular markers linked to QTL s for fibre strength and oil content in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, at Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad.
Worked as Technical Assistant in Project entitled “Development of Desi Cottons, Their Production and Protection Technologies and Popularization through Farmers Participatory Programmes in Karnataka” From 29-06-2004 to 28-06-2005 at Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad, Karnataka State, India. (For one year).
Worked as Research Assistant at Advanced Centre for cotton research scheme sponsored by Government of Karnataka from 1-12-2001 to 30-09- 2002 (for 10 months) at Agricultural Research Station Dharwad.
Areas of Interest:
Development of new lines and hybrids in various Agricultural crops.
Seed production in Agricultural and Horticultural crops and maintenance breeding.
Promotion of farmers Participatory Seed Production for enhancing the economic status of the farmers.
Assessment of Genetic diversity through Molecular markers in various crops.