Onion Variety: Arka Kalyan – A gain to garner

1. Situation analysis/Problem statement: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the important commercial vegetable crops grown in India for both domestic consumption and export. In Tumakuru district of Karnataka state, Bellary Red variety of onion is predominantly grown in an area of 650 ha. (Dept of Horticulture, Govt. of Karnataka). But the productivity of the variety is 130 – 140 Qtls/ha, much lower than the state (180 Qtls/ha) and national average (160 Qtls/ha). The average income from Onion cultivation is Rs.85,000 to Rs.1,00,000 per ha. In fact, successful onion production depends mainly on the selection of varieties that are adapted to different conditions imposed by specific environment. The main reasons behind this low productivity are – cultivation under rainfed condition, delayed on set of monsoon and non-adoption of high yielding varieties, particularly in the main Kharif season. This led to low yield and susceptible for purple blotch disease during Kharif season in Tumakuru District. The shelf life of Bellary Red is also not up to the desired level (60 days only). Further, analysis of soils in eastern dry zone, red sandy region revealed that about 40 per cent saline % soils and 60 per cent soils were low in organic matter. Due to these factors along with high fluctuations in the market rate, cultivation of onion has become almost a gambling among farmers.
2. Technology details: Arka Kalyan the onion variety released by ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research in the year 2004 is most suitable for Kharif season, tolerant to purple blotch disease which is found to be good to addressing the above mentioned issues effectively. ICAR-KVK under ICAR-IIHR has taken up many Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) in order to show the yield potential of this variety. An FLD on Integrated Crop Management (ICM) in Onion with technological inputs like Arka Kalyan variety, vegetable special as a micro-nutrient supplement and other plant protection measures, was conducted for three years (2014-17) during kharif season in the farmers’ fields of Bukkapattana in Sira Taluk and Hosakere Madhugiri Taluks of Tumakuru district. The variety showed improved performance in case of quality parameters viz.,Colour (Pink rose colour), bulb shape, tolerant to pest/disease, tolerant to moisture stress, shelf life (3 to 4 months) etc., To support the cause, KVK has taken up participatory seed production activities as well in the farmers’ fields (Hosakere, Madhugiri in 4 acres)
3. Yield and output details: The results showed an increase of 42.84 per cent in yield, over the local Bellary Red. (Arka Kalyan- 253.4/ha and Bellary Red 177.3/ha). There was a reduction in the disease / pest incidence to the tune of 33 per cent. Due to these reasons, the variety gained its adoption in an area of 170 acres by 75 numbers of farmers over a period of three years. Thus, the total production in the district had gained an additional 38 per cent by using Arka Kalyan in an area of 145 ha. Under seed production activity, there was a production of 12 qtls from an area of 4 acres. There has been an increase in the interest of farmers to take up seed production of Arka Kalyan, as an income generation activity.
4. Income/profit and development: In an area of one ha, there was an additional production of 76 Qtls and additional income of Rs.80,000 by growing Arka Kalyan. Considering the spread of technology over an area of 170 ha, there has already been an additional production (on an average) of 45 Qtls and income of Rs 40,000 for 56 farmers. If the technology spreads to the total 650 ha of onion cultivation, there could be a possibility of gain in production to the tune of 42 per cent and an additional income of Rs 76,000/ha/farmer. This is almost double the income of what the farmer gains on an average per ha.
Table: 1 : The table below shows the potential of the technology over the check.
Particulars | Bulb wt(g) | Ave. Yield ( tons/ha) | % Increase | Gross Cost (Rs./ha) | Gross Returns (Rs./ha) | Net returns (Rs./ha) | B:C ratio |
Demonstration | 99.50 | 25.34 | 42.84 | 96,560 | 2,53,400 | 1,56,840 | 2.72 |
Check (Bellary Red) | 92.10 | 17.74 | 96,560 | 1,77 ,380 | 80,820 | 1.91 |
5. Conclusion: Doubling of Farmers’ Income is possible only through proper planning and adoption of advanced Package of Practices in which new technologies like high yield and disease resistant variety, marketability and shelf life should be included. More crop per drop should be the mantra of farmers in adopting drip irrigation, mulching and other water management technologies. Use of mechanization in sowing seeds through IIHR Onion Seed Drill (Manual and Mechanical) can overcome the labour problem. During the market glut, Arka Kalyan onion can be stored in room temperature for four to five months without any quality deterioration. Post-harvest technology products like Dehydrated Slice, Powder, and Paste would also fetch more price for farmers. All these would contribute in doubling the farm income in due course.