Frontline Demonstrations (FLDs) during 2017-18

Sl. No.CropTitleNumberAmount (Rs.)
1MaizeConservation Furrow (CF) as an in-situ Moisture conservation to combat
mid season drought in Maize
2PomegranateICM in Pomegranate545,000
3MangoImproved Production practices & Post harvest management in Mango240,000
4China AsterICM in China Aster59,500
5BrinjalDemonstration of ArkaActino-Plus (ACP) on Growth & Yield of Brinjal1012,000
6French beanDemonstration of Liquid Organic farming practices in
French bean
7TomatoICM in Tomato525,000
8French BeanAreca nut + French bean intercropping system511,000
9MushroomOyster Mushroom Production, value addition and Market Linkage525,000
10Fruits and VegetablesNutrition garden in Schools515,000
11CoconutICM in Coconut1030,000
12Wild BoarManagement of Wild Boar in Farming system532,000
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