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- N.Loganandhan, Jagadish, K.N., Shankara, M.H. 2014, Jalavayu parivarthanked aur mein krishi vividheekaranke madhyam se mahila sashaktikaran, In: the Hindi Seminar “The role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Food and Nutritional Security” held at IIHR, Bengaluru, during 04-05, Jun, 2014.
- N.Loganandhan, P.R.Ramesh, B.Hanumanthe Gowda. 2014. Technologies for sustainable rural development from Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, In: The National Workshop on Technologies for sustainable rural development – having potential of socio- economic upliftment, at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, during 04-05, July, 2014.
- Loganandhan, N., Patil, S.L., Srivatsava, S.K., Ramesha, M.N. 2014. Post adoption behavior of farmers towards soil and water conservation technologies in a semi-arid watershed, In: The 7th National Extension Education Congress held at ICAR Research Complex for NEH region, Umiam, Meghalaya, during 08-11, Nov, 2014.
- Hanumanthegowda. B, Shashidhar.K.N, Ramesh P.R, Loganandan.N, Prashanth.J.M and Gangavisalakshy.P.N 2014, Biointensive management of egg plant shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodesorbonalisguen.)- The way to overcome pest resistance in farmers’ fields: In National seminar on Insect resistance held at IIHR, Bangalore.
- Hanumanthgowda, B, J.M.Prashanth, K.N.Shashidhara, Ramesh, P.R, K.N. Jagadish and N.Loganandhan, 2015, Integrated management of bacterial blight on pomegranate caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.punicae, In: Abstract Proceedings of ‘Technology Delivery Mechanisms of KVKs for Higher Productivity and Profitability in Agriculture, 1st KVK Symposium Zone VIII, 21-22 January, 2016 held at UAS, Dharwad, pp:21.
- Hanumanthgowda, B, Ramesh, P.R, Paneerselvam, N.Loganandhan and T.Vasantha kuamr, 2015, Role of Arka Microbial Consortium (AMC) on Management of Foot rot of Betelvine caused by Phytopthara parasitica in Cluster Villages in Tumkur District, In: Abstract Proceedings of ‘6th International Conference on Plant, Pathogens and People: Challenges in Plant Pathology to Benefit Human kind, 23-27, February, 2016 held at New Delhi, pp: 348.
- Ramesh, P.R., Hanumanthgowda, B., Praveen Kumara, Loganandhan. N., and Naik L.B., 2015, Water Resource Management to combat vulnerability – A Case Study of D.Nagenahalli, Tumakuru District, Karnataka, In: Abstract proceedings of National Seminar on Climate Change and Agrarian Economy – An Indian Perspective held during 22-23, Jan, 2015 at UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka, pp:131
- N.Loganandhan, P.R.Ramesh, Jagadish, K.N., Prashanth, J.M, Naik, L.B. 2015. Three years, seventy farm ponds, eighteen thousand cubic meters capacity – A success story from a NICRA village in Tumakuru district of Karnataka In: The International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food security and rural livelihoods at New Delhi during 10-13, February, 2015.
- N.Loganandhan, P.R.Ramesh, J.M.Prashanth, Somashekhar, K.N.Jagadish and L.B.Naik. 2015. Direct Marketing – A way forward for farmers, In: The ISEE National Seminar on “Extension innovations and methodologies for market – led agricultural growth and development”, held at RVSK Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, during 26-28, February, 2015.
- N.Loganandhan. 2015. Experience sharing: NICRA project implemented by KVK, Hirehalli as mitigation towards Climate change, In: State level consultative workshop on climate change: Challenges and solutions, organized by AVISHKAR, an NGO based at Tumakuru during 28-29, March 2015.
- Hanumanthegowda.B, Loganandhan. N, Ramesh.P.R, Prashanth, J.M, and Jagadish.K.N, 2016, Assessment of damage level of Groundnut crop caused by wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Tumkur district. Presented at National Meet of Entomologists on 7th & 8th October, 2016, held at ICAR-IIHR. Pp:73.
- B. Hanumanthe Gowda, P.R. Ramesh, K.N. Jagadish, J.M. Prashanth and N. Loganandhan, 2017, Studies on effect of Arka Microbial Consortium (AMC) on management of wilt in Pomegranate caused by Ceratocystisfimbriata in cluster villages of Tumakuru District.: National Symposium on ‘Diagnosis and management of plant diseases: Integrated approaches and recent trends’ held on Jan, 9-11, 2017 at Umiam, Meghalaya.Pp:156
- Ramesh P.R., Loganadhan N. and Praveen Kumar, 2017, Rainwater harvesting through Checkdam and efficient use to enhance climate resilience at D.Nagenahalli, Tumakuru District, Karnataka, XIII Agricultural Science Congress-2017: Climate Smart Agriculture – 21-24, Feb 2017
- Hanumanthegowda.B, Loganandhan. N ,Ramesh.P.R , Prashanth, J.M, and Jagadish.K.N, 2017, Role of ‘Sealer Cum Healer’ on management of Mango stem borer caused by Batocera rufomaculata in cluster villages of Tumakuru District.: In National Meet of Entomologists on 7th & 8th October held at ICAR-IIHR.Pp:110
- Hanumanthegowda.B, Ramesh. P.R and Saifullah.M, 2017, Studies on cultural and morphological characteristics of isolates of Fusarium oxysporumf.sp. vasinfectum causing Okra wilt. : In Abstracts of International Symposium on Horticulture: Priorities and emerging trends, 5-8 September 2017, Bengaluru, India.Pp:495.
- Hanumanthe Gowda, B. Ramesh, P.R., Jagadish, K.N. Prashanth J.M and Loganandhan, N. 2018, Studies on IPM technology demonstration for sustainable and safe mango production in Tumakuru district of Karnataka.: In International Conference on “Role of Soil and Plant Health in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals” held at Bangkok, Thailand on 21-25,Nov, 2018.
- N.Loganandhan, 2019, Smallholder farming situation in Central dry zone, Eastern dry zone and southern dry zone. In: Symposium on Group Dynamics of Smallholder Farmers, organised by NABARD and NDRI, Bengaluru, on 16th February, 2019.