Junior Stenographer
Mrs. Veda Kurnalli
Personal Assistant
Year of Birth: 1983
Contact Address: ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra NH4, Hirehalli Post, Tumakuru-572168. Phone No. (Office) 0816-2243175
Email address: veda.kurnalli@icar.gov.in
Work Experience: Mrs. Veda Kurnalli worked as Stenographer Grade-III for 10 years and working as Personal Assistant for 4 years at ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra NH4, Hirehalli Post, Tumakuru-572168.
Areas of Interest: e-office, e-governance, eHRMS 2.0, Public Financial Management System, Financial Management System
Supporting to Head KVK, Hirehalli and SMS in documentation. • Maintaining of cash remittance records. • Maintaining of cash receipts. • Maintaining of credit bill. • Maintaining of Invoice. • Maintaining the letter of Demand Draft Remittance to IIHR. Taking Dictation and other official work.