Celeberation of Mahila Kissan Diwas at ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli, Tumakuru on 15th October 2020

Mahila Kissan Diwas was celeberated at KVK-Hirehalli, Tumakuru on15.10.2020 in collaboration with ATMA, Department of Agriculture Tumakuru.

About 35 womens from SHG groups were participated in this programme. Mrs. Keerthi Prabha, DDM, NABARD, Tumakuru, Mrs. Chandrakala, PDO, Hirehalli, Shri Ashwath Narayan, ADA, Department of Agriculture, Tumakuru and Dr.Loganandhan.N. Principal Scientist and Head, KVK Hirehalli were present in this programme and briefed about the activities related to women empowerment. Food competition was conducted and prizes were distributed to the winners. On this special occasion, Felicitation was made to Mrs. Keerthi Prabha, DDM, NABARD, Tumakuru, Mrs. Chandrakala, PDO, Hirehalli for their contribution in Agriculture. Mrs. Radha.R Banakar compared the programme and Mr Shridhar, BTM, ATMA, Tumakuru proposed vote of Thanks.

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