On campus Training on Poshan Abhiyan at ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli, Tumakuru on 16th September 2020

On-campus training on awareness on establishment of Nutri Graden, Nutri Thali for balanced diet and Bio fortified varieties in nutrition was conducted on 16th September 2020 at ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli. In this programme, Shri Nataraj, Deputy Director, Department of Women and Child Development, Tumakuru, Swamiji Dhiraja, Shri Sharad from Kuaveri water Abhiyan were attended as Chief Guests. Dr.N.Loganandhan, Principal Scientist and Head, ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli welcomed all the Guests and participants and explained about the KVK activities. Shri Nataraj suggested the participants to make use of this programme for creating awareness as well as to achieve nutrition security by combating Malnutrition especially in children. Mr Sharad explained about their future plans of Kuaveri water abhiyan. Mr Prashanth J.M, SMS-Horticulture, KVK, Hirehalli explained about the layout and establishment of nutri gardens. Mrs Radha R.Banakar, SMS-Home Science, KVK, Hrehalli explained the role of Nutri garden in daily diet, importance of nutri thali to achieve nutrition security and Bio fortified varieties in nutrition.

This training programme was attended by 62 Anganawadi supervisors, Anganawadi workers and farm womens from in and around Tumakuru district. Later Poshana bhiyan Kits were distributed to all the participants.

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