Online training webinar programme on Prospectus in Dragon Fruit Cultivation at KVK Hirehalli on 1st June 2020

ICAR-KVK Hirehalli conducted first of its kind online training programme on Prospectus in Dragon Fruit Cultivation using the Zoom meeting online platform on 1st June 2020. The chief expert for the programme was Dr. G. Karunakaran, Principal Scientist from ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru who did the shared power point presentation. Around 208 participants from the Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, MP,Gujarat, and also from other states participated in the online session. At the end of the programme most of the questions asked in the Zoom chat box were answered by Dr. G. Karunakaran. It was a very fruitful session and the participants requested to have similar programmes in the future.

The programme was organised in collaboration ICAR-IIHR,Bengaluru and ICAR-ATARI,Bengaluru. The programme coordinated by Dr.N.Loganandhan, Head, KVK,Hirehalli and Host Mr.K.N.Jagadish, ACTO/SMS Agril.Extension.

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