Jal Shakthi Abhiyan Krishi Mela organized by KVK, Hirehalli on 28th August 2019 at D Nagenahalli Village, Korategere Taluk, Tumakuru District

Jal Shakti Abhiyan Krishi Mela organized by ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli on 28th August 2019 at D.Nagenahalli Koratagere Taluk of Tumakuru District. The event was inaugurated by Shri.Basavaraj, Honorable MP, Tumakuru in presence of Dr.M.R. Dinesh Director IIHR Bengaluru. The purpose of programme was briefed by the Dr.Loganandhan N., Head ICAR KVK Hirehalli. He described about various blocks selected for organizing this abhiyana by the concerned KVK’s and the importance given by ICAR to bring awareness about water conservation among farming community. Honorable MP, in his inaugural address, stressed on the need of conserving water and appreciated the effort of the KVK in organizing this mela. The technical experts, Sri Mallikarjun Hosapalya, Anand Kumar and Engg Ramamurthy explained various methodologies to conserve the rain water and use them in judicial manner. Sri Mallikarjun Hosapalya, NGO Water expert, stressed on the need of people’s participation to make this abhiyana a successful one. Invited guests explained about the various schemes that could be useful for the famers to take part in water conservation activities in their fields. Programme ended with vote of thanks and millet lunch. About 800+ participants including farmers, farm women, staff of Panchayatraj institutions, various NGO and Dept. of Agriculture Sri Ashoka DDA & Sri Nagaraj ADA Koratagere line departments attended the programme. About 10 stalls also established to exhibit various technologies of soil and water conservation, in which many farmers visited and benefitted. During the day Dr.M R Dinesh Director and Shri Basavaraju GS Hon. MP witnessed the work and appreciated work done at NICRA Village.

The programme started with by singer Veeresha and Raitha Geethe, ICAR and IIHR Theme Song.

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