The Honorable Agricultural Minister of Karnataka state Shri Shivashankar Reddy visited ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hirehalli, Tumakuru on 30th June 2018.

The Honorable Agricultural Minister of Karnataka state Shri Shivashankar Reddy visited ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hirehalli, Tumakuru on 30th June 2018. He witnessed the materials like Bio-Fertilizers, Bio-Pesticides, Value added products, Seeds and Seedlings materials, displayed at KVK. He appreciated the efforts taken by the KVK producing this materials and instructed the state department staff to support in marketing these products. He also expressed his appreciation toward the seed unit of KVK and instructed the officers to emulate similar models in their Raita Samparka Kendras (RSKs). Earlier in the event, he planted the fruit tree sapling and inquired about the basic functions of KVK.

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