World Soil Day 2017

ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Hirehalli participated in World Soil Day 2017 Programme organized at ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru. Dr. Loganandhan, N., Senior Scientist and Head, ICAR- KVK, Hirehalli, Tumakuru and Mr.Jagadish KN., Subject Matter Specialist, Agril.Extension along with 45 farmers from Tanganahalli and D. Nagenahalli NICRA Villages, Koratagere Taluk participated in the programme. Dr.Shivanandha T.N., Principal Scientist briefed farmers about the activities of Soil Science Dept. and importance of soil analysis during interaction. During the day Guest lecture by Dr.Raghumohan, Head, NBSS&LUP (Retd.), Bengaluru in presence in-charge Director Dr. Venkattakumar R., Principal Scientist, IIHR Bengaluru. Dr. Venkattakumar R., and Dr. Raghumohan disturbed Soil Health Card to Farmers.

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