“Sankalp Se Siddhi” – Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hirehalli, Tumakuru

“Sankalp Se Siddhi” – A New India Movement towards doubling the income of the farmers by 2022 was organized by ICAR-IIHR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hirehalli, Tumakuru. This programme was organised in association with Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka,Tumakuru on 30.08.2017 at Zilla Panchayat Auditorium, Tumakuru. The programme was inaugurated by Shri SP Muddahanume Gowda ji, Honourable Member of Parliament, Tumakuru. The programme was attended by Shri. B.Suresh Gowda ji, MLA, Tumakuru Rural, Smt. Roopa Devi D., Joint Director (Agriculture), Tumakuru, Shri. Shantharam K.G., IAS, CEO Zilla Panchayat, Tumakuru, Smt. Sharada N., Vice President, Zilla Panchayat, Tumakuru. Smt. Latha Ravikumar M., President Zilla Panchayat presided over the function. Dignitaries from ICAR, Dr. M.R.Dinesh, Director, Dr. C.K.Narayana, Chairman, PME Cell, ICAR – IIHR, Bengaluru and Dr.G.Karunakaran, In-charge-Head, CHES, Hirehalli, were present as experts.

Honourable Member of Parliament, in his speech, stressed about the coordination of Agricultural Department, Banks and farmers along with marketing support as the key factor to improve the livelihood of farming community.

Director, ICAR-IIHR, highlighted the importance of technological support that the institute would extend in doubling the farmers’ income.

About 250 farmers participated and took pledge on Sankalp Se Siddhi for doubling the farmers’ income by 2022 by following the seven strategic points. Shri B.Suresh Gowda ji, MLA, Tumakuru Rural, administered the pledge.

Welcome address was given by Dr.Loganandhan, N., Senior Scientist and Head, ICAR- KVK, Hirehalli and vote of thanks was by Dr. Ramesh N., Project Director (ATMA), Tumakuru District.

Dr.Hanumahthe Gowda, B., SMS (Plant Protection) compered the programme. All the staff members of KVK and Agriculture Department, Tumakuru took part in the event.

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