Off campus training programme on Integrated cropping system in Onion on 17th August 2021

Off campus training titled “Integrated crop management was conducted at Hosahalli village in Sira taluk of Tumakuru district. Since the area under Onion crop in this area is almost more than the 3000 ha and plays a key role in the economic upliftment of the people in this location. Dr.Somashekhar, SMS(Plant Breeding) had spoken on this occasion informed the gathering about the importance of the Varieties to grown and the role of seed treatment on control of various diseases and pests, later discussed various improved technologies to be followed to get the maximum yield. In this meeting Mr.Jagadish K N , SMS (Agril extension) and Mr.Shasidhar K N, Technical Officer of KVK, Hirehalli also participated and coordinated in the programme. Totally 25 participants were present during the programme, later field visits were also arranged to know the present status of the Onion crop and addressed various issues in the field itself.

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