Composting of farm residue by Windrow method using Arka Decomposer on 27th November 2021 at Chikkadoddavadi Village, Koratagere Taluk, Tumakuru District

Swachhta Campaign “Resource conservation and creation of Wealth from Waste”. Demonstration Composting of farm residue by Windrow method using Arka Decomposer, using farm waste like leaves, straw, areca husk and flower stalks, was conducted on 27.11.2021 at Chikkadoddavadi Village, Koratagere Taluk, Tumakuru District. Composting of crop residues using Arka Decomposer was demonstrated in the field of farmer Kemparaju. Dr. G. Selvakumar, Principal Scientist from the Division of Natural Resources, ICAR-IIHR, highlighted the importance and need of composting of crop residues. He has explained the process of fast decomposition of crop residues into compost and the benefits of using microbial consortium (Arka Decomposer) in composting crop residues. He further mentioned that all types of crop residues, cattle dung, leftover feed material from cattle sheds, household food waste, papers, etc., can be composted and converted to nutrient-rich compost. He has also stressed that non-biodegradable materials like plastics, polybags, tins, aluminum foils, rubber, etc., have to be removed from household waste before being added to the compost piles. Dr. N.Logananandhan, N., Principal Scientist, Head,ICAR KVK, Hirehalli, Tumakuru explained about conversion of crop residues and other biomass into vermicompost. During the demonstration, farmers shared their views and cleared their queries about compost making. Shri K.N.Jagadish SMS Agril.Extension and Mr. Praveen Young Professional – II co-ordinated the demonstrations programme. About 22 farmers from Chikkadoddavadi village actively participated and benefitted from this demonstration.