National Campaign on “Poshan Abhiyan and Tree Plantation” 17th September 2022

National Campaign on “Poshan Abhiyan and Tree Plantation” was organized on 17th September 2022 at ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli, Tumakuru in collaboration with IFFCO and DHAN foundation. Dr. N.Loganadhan, Principal Scientist and Head, KVK, Hirehalli inaugurated the function by lightening the lamp and explained the purpose of this programme. Mr.Parashanth J.M, SMS, Horticulture, delivered a lecture on importance of nutrition and their plant based sources like fruits and vegetables and how to cultivate in limited area. Mrs. Radha R. Banakar, SMS, Home Science, covered the topic on importance of Nutri-cereals in daily diet and their role on human health and also explained about bio fortified varieties. Vegetable seed kits from IFFCO and planting materials from KVK were distributed to all the participants. About 51 farm women from DHAN Foundation took part in the programme. Participants along with staff were involved in Tree plantation activity at the KVK instructional farm.

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