Sl.No. | Title |
1. | Demonstration of Short duration Finger millet: KMR-316 for delayed monsoon |
2. | Demonstration of Arka Prabhat for Higher Profit in Papaya |
3. | Demonstration of Arka Prasan Ridge gourd variety for higher productivity |
4. | Demonstration of Multiple Diseases tolerant variety in Bottle gourd-Arka Shreyas |
5. | Demonstration of High yielding disease resistant Chilli hybrid for higher productivity – Arka Tejasvi |
6. | Integrated Crop Management for higher yield & fruit quality in Brinjal- Arka Avinash |
7. | Demonstration of High yielding Tuberose hybrid- Arka Prajwal |
8. | Integrated Crop Management for enhancing the flower quality in Chrysanthemum |
9. | Cost effective AMC and ACT for improved growth, quality and yield in Black Pepper |
10. | Demonstration of Bio fortified Finger millet Variety CFMV 1 Indravathi for Value Addition |
11. | Demonstration of Bio fortified Pearl millet Hybrid VPMH-14 for Value Addition |
12. | Demonstration on improved hand weeder for timely operation and drudgery reduction. |
13. | Demonstration of Composite Fish Culture |
14. | Demonstration of Drone in Agriculture and Horticulture Crops |
1. | EDP: Jackfruit : Value Addition, Branding and Market Linkage |
2. | EDP: Flowers: Value addition, Branding and Market Linkage |
3. | Demonstration on Nutri-gardens for Nutrition security to the farm families |
11. | Demonstration of Bio fortified Pearl millet Hybrid VPMH-14 for Value Addition |
12. | Demonstration on improved hand weeder for timely operation and drudgery reduction. |