Production/Processing Units

Micro Nutrient Production Unit

Due to excessive use of DAP fertilizers and introduction of high yielding cultivars, deficiency of micronutrients has become a major problem. However, very few farmers use micronutrient fertilizers. Balanced nutrition is very important for high yield, quality and resistance to diseases. Hence foliar spray comprising secondary and micronutrients viz., Magnesium, Sulphur, Zinc, Boron, Iron, Copper, Manganese and Molybdenum is important.

To meet farmers’ demand, KVK is producing micronutrient formulations as Banana, Vegetable, Mango and Citrus Special and making them available to the farmers through sales counter.

Mango Fruitfly trap Production

As a monitoring tool for thes fruit fly Bactrocera spp, a convenient polythene sachet trap using plywood impregnated pheromone chemical and insecticide was developed by IIHR .To meet the farmers demand KVK, Hirehalli is producing the same in large scale.

Biological Products Unit

KVK, Hirehalli is producing the following different biological products such as bio-fertilizers: Arka Microbial Consortium, bio pesticides:Neem and Pongamia Soap on nominal cost basis.

Neem and Pongamia Soap
These are prepared from the respective oils and are in the form of concentrates which can be diluted easily when required and sprayed. The shelf life is about three months. Thereafter there is gradual reduction in the efficacy.

Arka Microbial ConsortiumIn horticultural production, overuse of mineral fertilizers, pesticides and inadequate management practices of soil, can significantly affect the soil quality by changing their physical, chemical, and biological properties. Arka Microbial Consortium is a combined application of microbial products (N fixer, P solubilizer and growth promoter) had better results than single microbial product for the sustainable production of vegetables and other crops.

Seed Production
Institutes like Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR, Bangalore), University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, have umpteen numbers of potential varieties/hybrids known for their high yield and other nutritional benefits. These are being regularly produced at our farm and sold at reasonable price. On an average, 3000 kg quality seeds are being produced and sold every year from farm.

Seed Processing Unit
A seed-processing unit has been established having a capacity of processing one tone per hour. The main aim of this unit is to promote the participatory seed production with farmers in Tumkur district, which will benefit both producers as well as the buyers. Those farmers who wish to take up seed production may register their names with the KVK and receive the benefit.

Green House and Shade House
The KVK has constructed two green houses which are naturally ventilated. They are meant for cultivation of flowers and vegetables under protected condition. The KVK has three shade houses for nursery purpose.

Grafted Plants Nursery
The KVK has a government recognized nursery over 0.40 ha area. Farmers can purchase grafts of Sapota, Guava, Mango etc., from this nursery.

Food Processing Unit
To achieve sustainable income from agriculture, value addition is an important factor in which small scale food processing units play a major role. Hence, demonstrations on processing and value addition to farm produce is being conducted through training programmes.

Amla Processing Unit
Amla can be easily processed into various products such as squash, powder, salted Amla supari, candy, murabba, pickle etc. However the nutritive and health benefits have to be transferred to farmers/farm women/youth/school children through demonstration and trainings as they are not aware of the benefits of Amla. In view of the aforesaid, it is now proposed to promote usage of amla through demonstrations-cum-trainings on its value addition. This unit has been established through funding from Karnataka State Medicinal Plants Authority, Bangalore.

Mushroom Spawn Production Unit
For farmers who wish to cultivate mushroom, spawn may be obtained from this unit. All facilities have been created here to produce different kinds spawn and being sold at reasonable rates.

Arecanut Plate Production Unit
Arecanut is grown in large area in Karnataka, mainly for nuts and the leaves are wasted or used for firewood purpose. KVK has started a making plates arecanut leaves by using latest technologies These arecanut plates which are eco-friendly and bio degradable in nature.

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