Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture)
Shri. J. M. Prasanth
B.Sc. (Horticulture); M.Sc. (Horticulture)
Subject Matter Specialist
ICAR- KVK, Hirehalli
Year of Birth: 1976
Contact Address:
ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra, NH4, Hirehalli Post, Tumakuru, Tumakuru-572 168, Karnataka State.
Phone (Office): +91-0816-2243175
Email Address:
Work Experience: Shri Prasanth had served University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, in the capacities of Subject Matter Specialist (Temporary) 2004-2009, at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Saidapur Farm, Dharwad. He has been working as Subject Matter Specialist at ICAR–KVK (IIHR), Tumakuru since inception of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) 2009. Currently working as Subject Matter Specialist at ICAR – KVK – Hirehalli, Tumakuru.
Areas of Interest: Specialization in Dry land Horticulture, Training and pruning techniques in Horticulture crops, Pomology, Propagation techniques in fruit crops, production aspects in Horticulture crops and Germplasm collection.