Frontline Demonstrations (FLDs) during 2016-17

Sl. No.CropTitleNumberAmount (Rs.)
1Finger milletManagement of soil surface crust in red soils in finger millet1015000
2PomegranateICM in Pomegranate530000
3MangoImproved production practices and post – harvest management in Mango520000
4MarigoldICM in Marigold56500
5China AsterICM in China Aster109500
6JasmineICM in Jasmine56000
7TomatoICM in Tomato525000
8French bean & ArecanutAreca nut + French bean intercropping system511000
9OnionICM in Onion1030000
10Fruits and VegetablesNutritional garden in schools512500
11CoconutICM in Coconut1013550
12BetelvineUsage of Arka Microbial Consortium in Betelvine511000
13Wild BoarManagement of wild Boar in farming system428800
14JackfruitEDP on Jackfruit value addition, branding and market linkage225000
 Total 83243850

FLDs on pulses under NFSM during 2016-17

Sl. No.CropTitleNumberAmount(Rs.)
1Pigeon peaEnhancement of Pigeon pea yield through introduction of BRG – 550150000

FLDs on oilseeds under NMOOP during 2016-17

Sl. No.CropTitleNumberAmount(Rs.)
1GroundnutDemonstration of KCG-6 Groundnut Variety70210000
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