Orientation cum Training Programme on “Drought Proofing Action Plan for Tumakuru District” on 11th and 12th June 2019

Orientation cum Training Programme on “Drought Proofing Action Plan for Tumakuru District” on 11th & 12th June 2019 and Valedictory programme on 12th June 2019 in presence of Dr. V.P.Sharma, Technical Consultant, National Rainfed Area Authority, Dept. of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare,New Delhi.

The programme was held for two days in which First Day Guest lectures by Dr. V.P.Sharma, Principals of drought proofing, Dr. Suma Asst. Professor KVAFSU,Bengaluru on Fodder Crops under rainfed condition and feed management of dairy animals. Dr.Thimme Gowda M.N. Assoc. Professor, UAS B, on Soild and water management and contingency cropping programme in rainfed area. Second Day Guest lectures by Dr. Krishna Manohar.R, DD,SAMETI, on Water Management in rainfed area and Dr. Anand Manegar, Asst. Professor,ATIC, UAS B on Importance of Livestock in integrated farming and group discussion. Finally valedictory function in presence of Dr.Loganandhan N., Principal Scientist, KVK Hirehalli, Dr. V.P.Sharma,Dr. Varadaraju, Professor, Coordinator, SAMETI UAS B, Mr.Gupta Admin. Officer, NRAA, New Delhi, Mr. Puttarangappa ADA Pavagada, Tumakuru. During the programme Videos on NICRA, IIHR Technologies and Amla were show.

40 participants from Dept. of Agriculture, Horticulture, Vet., Sericulture, Forestry etc., Line department and KVK Hirehalli and Konehalli Tumakuru.

The programme coordinated by K.N.Jagadish and Dr.Omkarappa and Team from SAMETI South UASB.

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